Product Updates

Update 3.1.21: Improved Worker Portal & New Featured Shifts Notification

Release 3.1.21 heralds the transition to a new worker portal with enhanced features, including highlighting of 'Featured' shifts.



Release date: March 30, 2022

We are excited to bring you the latest update to our software, version 3.1.21. It brings about new features designed to enrich your user experience. However, this update also signifies an important change in the platform's interface that affects all of our users.


The old worker portal is nearing its end of life. We have not added new features to it since December, and the time has come to say goodbye to it. We understand that this change will require adaptations, and some may find it challenging. As the Sinch development team, we acknowledge this and would like to express our understanding.

The change is necessitated by our commitment to enhancing the application, particularly optimizing the experience for smaller devices. With the rising prevalence of these devices, this change is integral to our platform's evolution. We thank all our users for the constructive feedback you have provided thus far - it is invaluable to our process. Please continue to share your thoughts and experiences with us; we read and consider every message we receive. Our goal remains to make OnSinch the best possible experience for all users.

New Features

  • Featured Shifts: Admin users now have the option to mark shifts as "Featured". These shifts will always appear on the worker portal and will be highlighted at the top of every available shift list. This ensures critical or important shifts are easily identifiable and accessible to all workers.


  • New Notification Email: We've introduced a new email notification for workers. This email will notify them about joining a shift. The email can be configured under the 'Settings -> Notification settings', in the Worker tab. This allows workers to be promptly informed about their shifts, improving communication and organization.

We appreciate your understanding and cooperation with these changes. If you have any questions or need assistance with this update, please reach out to our customer service team.

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