From First Beat to Final Bow, Orchestrate Festivals and Staff in Harmony

Admissions | Volunteers | Information | Parking Attendants | Bartenders | Clean-up Crew | First Aid

Supported in
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Staff Members
Used in
4 million
Hours Scheduled

Rock for People has become the ultimate summer destination for rock enthusiasts across Europe and beyond. Renowned for its eclectic lineups and dynamic atmosphere, this festival has transcended its original format to spawn a series of impactful music events, amplifying its reach within the musical and cultural tapestry of Central Europe.

Conceived in the minds of a group of high school students in the Czech city of Jihlava in 1997. Since then, each autumn the Ji.hlava IDFF brought together dozens and later hundreds and thousands of viewers, directors, producers, film critics, journalists, and friends of documentary cinema to spend several days "thinking through film".

Pride 2

Embracing the vibrancy of diversity, Prague Pride stands as a beacon of inclusivity and self-expression in Czechia. Their ethos, rooted in respect and human dignity, crafts a sanctuary for the LGBT+ community to flourish authentically.

“It's important for us to have OnSinch because it’s so easy to use. Spreadsheets and the like can get very complicated. The onboarding team was really helpful, and gave us very clear instructions for working with the system, including a lot of helpful feedback and tips”

— Miroslav Gyenes,
Volunteering coordinator

Features - skills volunteer

Staff & Volunteer Database with Achievement Badges

Easily organize and manage your staff and volunteers according to their specific contract, skill, and experience. This allows you to quickly identify the right people for the task and streamline your operations.

Features - Mobile friendly volunteer

Mobile Friendly & Trusted by 85.000+ Users

Access OnSinch's full suite of features from any mobile device using the latest version. Staff, coordinators, and volunteers alike can make decisions, update schedules, and communicate with teams, all while on the move. It’s about making every minute count.

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Smart & Easy Scheduling with Open Shifts

Staff and Volunteers can apply for open shifts through a self-registration simplifying the scheduling process, allowing managers to quickly and easily publish jobs for workers to apply for. This saves time and reduces the administrative burden of managing worker schedules.

Make Every Beat Count in Festival Planning with OnSinch

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