Product Updates

Update 3.0.97: Convenient Builder Controls & Invoicing Updates

Release 3.0.97 enhances builder controls with a right-click context menu and adjusts invoice display settings for better clarity.



As part of our consistent update schedule, we are pleased to announce a new version of the application being released today. This particular update, version 3.0.97, primarily focuses on smaller fixes and improvements that enhance your overall experience with the platform.

New Features

  • Right-Click Context Menu in Tree for Builder Controls: Builder controls are now accessible through a right-click context menu in the tree. For now, this context menu replicates control elements located above the tree, such as copying, deleting, and creating new nodes. This addition serves as a convenient way to manage nodes, and we plan to introduce advanced functions for selecting nodes in future releases.

Minor Fixes

  • Handling of Items with Zero Prices on Invoices: To enhance invoice management, items with zero prices will no longer be automatically hidden. Instead, if you wish to hide an order item from an invoice, you must mark it as an "Internal item."

  • Pre-Selected Language for PDF Documents: To make your workflow more efficient, the pre-selected language for generating PDF documents (such as invoices and calculations) will now match the one you are using. This should eliminate unnecessary clicks and save time.

  • Rounding Up of Czech Payouts on Employment Contracts: For clarity and consistency, Czech payouts on employment contracts (DPP, DPC) will now be rounded up.

  • CMS Nonactive Status Bug Fix: We've fixed a bug that was causing nonactive items to still appear in the CMS section. This fix ensures that the CMS section will only display active items as intended.

This release, although focused on smaller improvements, is part of our continuous commitment to providing a refined and user-friendly experience. We encourage users to update to the latest version and take advantage of these enhancements. As always, our support team is available to assist with any questions or concerns regarding this update.

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