Product Updates

Update 3.0.157: Attendance Timesheet Redesign and Invoice Template Upgrade

Release 3.0.157 offers a fresh look for the attendance timesheet and minor enhancements to the invoice template.



We are excited to announce the release of software update 3.0.157. This update brings enhancements and improvements that aim to simplify user interactions and eliminate previous issues. Below are the details of what’s new and what's been fixed:

New Features

  • Enhanced Attendance Timesheet: The attendance timesheet has been redesigned to provide a visually pleasing and more functional interface. This document is now accessible for crewbosses and can be obtained from the job detail page. Simply click on "Export" -> "Overview (PDF)" in a shift portlet on the job detail page to download it.

Bug Fixes

  • Invoice Template Improvement: We've made minor adjustments to the invoice template to enhance its presentation. Addresses will now display the postal codes after the city instead of before, and the VAT number has been moved to a separate line.

  • Admin Deletion Error Fix: Deleting an admin that created shifts no longer causes errors in the 'Author' column on a given shift detail. This ensures a smoother experience when making administrative changes.

  • Application Crash Fix: We've resolved an issue where the application would crash if a crewboss attempted to re-close a shift containing a worker that had been excused by an admin.

  • Cancelled Slot Display Fix: Applicants will no longer see cancelled slots as regular ones on the worker dashboard. This fix eliminates confusion and ensures that only available slots are visible to workers.

  • Green Check Icon Display Correction: We've corrected a display error where a green check icon was incorrectly shown on the worker dashboard for workers with no rating (that is, for newly registered users, if you have the initial rating after registration set to 0). This update ensures that the dashboard accurately reflects the worker's status.

We continue to strive for excellence, and we believe these updates will provide you with a more seamless and efficient experience with our software. As always, please reach out to our support team if you have any questions or need assistance with this update.

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