Product Updates

Update 3.0.114: Shift Specific Calculation Export and Prominent Departure Times

Release 3.0.114 introduces shift-specific calculation export and highlights departure times for shifts on the worker dashboard.



We are excited to present the latest software update, version 3.0.114. This update contains new features and minor fixes aimed at enhancing productivity and improving user experience. Here's what you need to know about the updates:

New Features

  • Exporting Calculations and Quotations for Individual Jobs: Users now have the flexibility to export calculations and quotations for a single job rather than exporting the complete order. This added feature facilitates tailored data retrieval for more focused analysis and reporting.

  • Enhanced Visibility of Departure Times: We have made the departure times for shifts with transport more prominent and easily accessible to workers. A new column titled "Departure" has been added to the "Shifts you are attending" widget on the dashboard, allowing workers to keep track of their departure times more efficiently.

Minor Fixes

  • Planned Breaks Across Multiple Days: Planned breaks are now functional in shifts that happen over multiple days, including those that occur overnight. This update ensures a consistent approach to break scheduling, regardless of the shift duration.

  • Fix for Missing Errors During Shift Positioning: We have fixed the issues related to missing error messages when attempting to add a worker to a shift position fails. Users will now receive clear and concise error messages, allowing for prompt resolution of any issues.

This release reflects our ongoing commitment to provide you with a robust and efficient software platform. We encourage you to explore these new features and fixes and to reach out to our support team if you need any assistance. Thank you for choosing our software, and we look forward to continually serving your needs.

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