Product Updates

Update 3.1.74: Staff Rating Changes Trackable, Enhanced Inventory Management

Release 3.1.74 documents staff rating changes and offers an improved inventory management system.



Release date: May 3, 2023

We're excited to present to you the latest software update, version 3.1.74. This new release aims to further refine the user experience, with substantial additions to our features and essential bug fixes. Here are the improvements made in this release:

New Features

  • History and Changes in Staff Profile: We have included staff member rating changes in the 'History and changes' tab within the Staff profile. It's now clearly visible if and when the rating has been manually adjusted, offering transparency about rating modifications over time.


Bug Fixes

  • Inventory Variant: We have addressed a bug where a blank inventory variant was created when an admin established a new inventory with variants. From now on, this will no longer occur, ensuring an error-free experience when creating new inventories with variants.

  • Correct 'Travel Back' Location: We have corrected the display of the 'Travel back' location in the builder to ensure it accurately shows when there are different 'There & Back' travel addresses. This will prevent any potential confusion during route planning.

  • Builder Tree Scrolling: The builder tree for 'Moving of jobs' for a company now scrolls independently from the rest of the page. This fixes a previous issue where the form was far up outside the viewport when there were many orders for one company, causing navigation issues.

These updates contribute significantly to enhancing the functionality and usability of our software. As always, we appreciate your continued support and encourage you to reach out to our customer service team should you require any assistance with this new update.

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