Product Updates

Update 3.0.120: Advanced User Role Management and Enhanced Worker Dashboard

Release 3.0.120 revolutionizes user role management, allows users without application access, and improves the worker dashboard functionality.



We are excited to announce the latest software update, Version 3.0.120. This update focuses on enhancing user flexibility, improving functionality, and rectifying minor issues to ensure a seamless user experience. Here are the specific details of the changes:

User Access Management

Users can now be created within the application without giving them access. This can be achieved by creating a worker or client without checking the checkbox "Send invitation email." These users exist within the application and can be used by admins just like regular users, although they cannot sign in themselves.

If access needs to be granted to such a user, admins can click the "Grant application access" button in the "Actions" menu within the client's or worker's profile. The user will then receive an email containing a link to set up a password and sign into the application.

New Features

  • Worker Dashboard Enhancement: The Worker dashboard now consistently displays all grouped positions, regardless of whether some positions are outside the date range set in the filter. This ensures a comprehensive view of all position groupings.

Minor Fixes

  • Company Name in Attendance CSV Export: The attendance CSV export now includes the company name, providing clear identification.

  • Pro Forma Tax Receipts Improvement: Pro forma tax receipts now display the invoice number in both the header and the PDF file name, enhancing document organization.

  • Additional Column in Appointment Table: The appointment table now contains a column indicating the capacity and the number of signed-up workers. This will facilitate easier planning and monitoring.

  • Updated Feedback Information Text: The feedback information text has been updated to correct outdated information (e.g., feedback is no longer anonymous).

  • Sorting of Transports in Billings: Transports in billings are now sorted by date rather than by shift number, providing a more logical ordering.

  • Admin Role Assignment Simplified: It is no longer necessary to create a worker account in order to assign an admin role to a user. This streamlines the role assignment process.

These enhancements and fixes aim to make the software more intuitive and functional for our users. As always, we appreciate your support and encourage you to reach out to our support team with any questions or concerns about this update.

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