Product Updates

Update 3.0.109: Payout Filter & Export for Workers and Enhanced Worker Filter Options

Release 3.0.109 introduces the ability for workers to filter and export their payouts and provides enhanced filtering options.



We are excited to announce the latest update to the Sinch application with the release of version 3.0.109. This update is largely geared towards improving system stability and enhancing user experience. Here's what's new:

New Features

Worker Functionality Enhancements

  • Payouts Exporting: Workers can now filter and export their payouts into a .CSV file, making it easier to manage and track earnings.
  • New Filtering Options: The Worker filter has been extended with new options. It is now possible to filter workers based on calendar unavailability or those that are already working. These enhancements enable more effective workforce management.

Minor Fixes

  • Detailed Information for Clients: Clients now have access to more detailed information regarding transport and the pricing of transport services. This transparency will foster better decision-making and satisfaction.
  • Shift Name Pre-filling: The name of a shift in the multiple copy form is now pre-filled, saving time and reducing the possibility of manual errors.
  • JSON Data Validity Check: Agency settings are now equipped to validate the integrity of JSON data, preventing possible errors that might occur during editing.
  • Fixed Badge Descriptions: We've rectified an issue where badge descriptions were doubled in the badge list.
  • Performance Issues Fixed in Builder: Problems that were causing performance issues in the builder, especially when creating multiple copies of a shift, have been addressed and resolved.
  • Red Validation Message Error Fix: We've fixed an issue where red validation messages were showing up multiple times in the CMS pages, causing confusion.

These updates reinforce our commitment to delivering a robust and user-friendly system. We welcome your feedback and encourage you to reach out to our support team if you encounter any challenges with these new features and fixes. Thank you for continuing to choose the Sinch application for your business needs.

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