OnSinch News

A Look Back on 2022

The year 2022 was rather remarkable for us at OnSinch.



The year 2022 was rather remarkable for us at OnSinch. While dealing with the lingering impact of the pandemic we were challenged to become more frugal, more strategic, and to refine our business ambitions. In addition, through our involvement with charities, volunteering and humanitarian efforts we’ve experienced a profound appreciation for the opportunity to go beyond just doing business. We’ve found ways to give back and to further understand how we can make a difference.

The way we engage with our partners and clients has been enhanced by our own internal experience with change. While having to relocate to shared spaces, finding creative ways to provide flexibility, and being forced to face the reality of other cost-saving necessities, we’ve managed to emerge with so much to look forward to. With an appreciation for the past, the growing pains and all, we set our sights on the future. With new partners, a growing team, and more opportunities, we aim to make 2023 one of the best years that our company has ever experienced!

Enter: Presto Ventures and Purple Ventures

One of the major steps forward that we’re pleased to announce is securing an investment from our new partners at Presto Ventures and Purple Ventures. This truly marks a new chapter in our 10-year history and provides us with the means to bring our services to the level we’ve been striving for. In addition to financial backing, we’re extremely grateful for the experience and insight that comes along with this partnership. Thanks for the kind words guys!

david and Petr

Milan Lupač, from Presto Ventures, shared his thoughts with CZECHCRUNCH on what led to their interest in OnSinch: “…They didn’t allow themselves to be broken by the unfavorable pandemic period, they helped the non-profit sector manage the culminating refugee crisis and today they focus on a whole range of verticals in which they address customers from all over the world,” while Jan Staněk of Purple Ventures went on to say, “In OnSinch, we found a great team that’s well prepared and has a lot of work already done. We’re seeing interesting traction.”

This opportunity has enabled us to expand our development team, bring on experienced sales and marketing professionals, and establish key administrative and support departments. In just a couple of months, we’ve already seen higher overall output as we cross off “wish list” bullet points and replace them with exciting new targets. With our increased capacities and attention to quality assurance, we’re confident that OnSinch will continue to set the standard for temporary staff management. Our team is growing, new features are on the horizon, and we’re backed by industry leaders. Get ready!

onsinch 2022 recap

A Wave of Help to Weather the Storm

After introducing the Wave of Help (Vlna Pomoci) in early 2021, the project has reached inspiring heights in 2022. What was initially meant to provide support resources during emergency situations, has now blossomed into the go-to platform for volunteers and charities in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. Through our involvement with Vlna Pomoci, we’ve found a great way to make a difference, especially when our communities need it the most.

Vlna Pomoci helped hospitals and other emergency response facilities deal with an overwhelming influx of COVID-19 patients. When additional humanitarian efforts were needed for Ukrainian refugee support in the Czech Republic, we were prepared to provide our resources to the city of Prague. The Vlna Pomoci/Wave of Help platform was key in bringing in volunteers to the capital, Central Bohemia, and even Slovakia. Within the first week, The Wave of Help/Vlna pomoci had already placed over 5,000 volunteers and the donated hours continued to grow.

wave of help 2022 recap

Connect with OnSinch and Vlna pomoci in 2023

While the numbers are impressive both for our business and charity initiatives, our work is far from over. In fact, we see it as just beginning. We’re grateful for the opportunities we’ve had and even more so for the ones that we’ve been able to provide. Our standards are high and we’re focused on how to make 2023 shine brighter than ever before. To our partners, clients, friends, and family, we say thank you! You are a part of this journey and we appreciate every one of you.

To learn more about how to start using OnSinch or get involved with Vlna pomoci, reach out to us today. We wish you all the best for 2023 and we hope to see you soon!

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