OnSinch News

2023: OnSinch Hits Record Highs

Two million hours worked and a record number of events in 2023. Read about OnSinch's growth and expansion to Estonia and the USA.



We're proud to share that 2023 was a landmark year for us. Our platform, which specializes in sourcing temporary staff and technical personnel for events worldwide, facilitated over 20,000 events—a record number. Additionally, we successfully expanded into the USA and Estonia, bringing our total operational countries to 12.

Highlights of 2023

  • 120,000 users
  • 12 countries
  • 2,000,000 hours
  • 20,000+ events

Nearly 120,000 users rely on our platform across 12 countries, with temporary staff clocking nearly two million hours in 2023. Our clients include prestigious organizers of Formula 1 races, FIFA World Cup events, and even events for the British royal family.

"We maintained strong collaborations with the largest companies in crewing and hostessing in our domestic market, while also expanding to major players in catering and audiovisual technology. We gained new significant clients in the UK and Spain and strengthened our position in other countries," reflected our CEO, David Suslik.

One of the most remarkable events we supported last year was the Qatar Grand Prix in the MotoGP World Championship. We also played a crucial role in the Qatar Toy Festival, a three-week event that required over 7,000 workers. In the Czech Republic, we supported popular festivals like Rock for People in Hradec Králové and the well-known Colours of Ostrava.

Beyond Commercial Projects

Our commitment extends beyond commercial events. We are proud to collaborate with numerous non-profit organizations, helping to coordinate volunteers for various charitable and awareness events. In 2023, we provided record numbers of organizers for the Prague Pride festival, while continuously working with clients like Charita ČR, the Salvation Army, and the Czech Red Cross.

Looking Ahead to 2024

For 2024, we aim to accelerate sales and further expand into countries like Canada, Australia, and Germany, while continuing to grow in the USA. Our IT team will continue to adapt our platform to diverse markets, optimizing the performance and adding new features. Our goals are clear, and we are ready to face new challenges in digitalization and efficient planning! 

Thank you to our incredible team, clients and dedicated users who made our record-breaking year possible!

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