Product Updates

Update 3.1.87: Order-Level Approval & Enhanced Validation on API Endpoints

Release 3.1.87 introduces order-level approval and improved API error handling, adding functionality and efficiency.



Release date: August 9, 2023

We are thrilled to announce the launch of software update 3.1.87. This update incorporates new features, API enhancements, and bug fixes to help streamline your workflow and provide a smoother user experience. Let's delve into the specific changes that this update has introduced:

New Features

  • Enhanced Order Confirmation: The approval process for unconfirmed changes in jobs, orders, and shifts has been simplified. You can now perform these confirmations at an Order level through the new "Orders to confirm" page. This page functions similarly to the existing "Jobs to confirm" page. Each order listed will include all changes from all jobs, as well as changes within the order itself, such as specification or name modifications.

Public API

  • New Endpoints for Order and Shift Editing: We've introduced two new endpoints to the API that facilitate the editing of shifts and orders. These additions provide greater flexibility and control over shift and order management.

  • Validation for Supervisor: The Orders endpoint now includes supervisor validation. Instead of returning a generic Internal error (code 500), the endpoint now returns a validation error when creating and editing an order.

Bug Fixes

  • Invoice Total Rounding Error Resolved: We've addressed and fixed a rounding error that occurred in the invoice total when the invoice contained numerous items with prices specified up to three decimal places.

  • Profile Attribute Visibility: All filled profile attributes are now visible in the staff member profile, regardless of whether the staff member still possesses the required professions for them. This issue typically arises in two scenarios: when the staff member's professions have been altered, or when the professions for which the attribute is available have been changed. Previously, attribute values would remain in the system but were no longer editable, preventing their deletion. This update corrects that, providing full transparency of all attribute values.

We're confident that these enhancements will continue to optimize your use of our software. If you need any help navigating these updates, please don't hesitate to reach out to our customer service team.

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