Product Updates

Update 3.1.18: Shift Rating Customization and Improved Search

Release 3.1.18 adds customizable shift ratings, visibility for cancelled orders, and more.



Release date: February 16, 2022

We're excited to bring you the latest software update, version 3.1.18, which includes key feature additions and important bug fixes. As we continue to refine our software to meet your needs, we appreciate your feedback and patience during these changes. Here's an overview of what's new:


We wish to inform you about a significant change. The old worker portal is being phased out. Since December, new features haven't been added to it, and the time has now come to retire it completely. This change will impact all users, so we recommend notifying your teams about this upcoming transition.

We, the Sinch development team, understand that such changes can be challenging. However, we strongly believe that this shift is necessary to advance the application, especially to enhance user experience on smaller devices. These have become significantly more commonplace since the original design of the old view.

We want to thank you for your constructive feedback so far. We assure you that we take each message into consideration as we continue to fine-tune our platform to provide you with the best possible user experience.

New Features

  • Customizable Shift Ratings: The rating for a shift can now be customized during the budget step of the shift closure process, similarly to how the wage is customizable. Please note that while this customization is possible, you should use it with caution due to the implications associated with reopening and reclosing shifts. Every time a shift is reopened, the values return to their original state. This is due to the fact that different times of arrival may equate to different ratings. The wage behaves in the same way. It is advisable to properly set up different rating penalties in the agency settings to comply with your company rules, and use this new feature only when necessary. An alternative way to change the rating is to manually add the rating in the worker profile.


  • "Ubersearch" Enhancement: The upper search bar, also known as the "ubersearch", now displays cancelled orders. Although these orders are sorted last to prevent search clutter, they remain visible.

  • Invoicing Changes: The company invoice name can now be used in all company searches, including the company input in the "New job" form. It is no longer used in calculations and is now exclusively for invoicing purposes.

Bug Fixes

  • Email Notification Bug Fix: We've fixed a bug that was causing unnecessary emails to be sent to workers about changes to the "Subscription to SMS job offers", even when workers had not made changes to this setting.

As always, your experience is our top priority. Feel free to reach out to our support team if you have any questions or concerns about these updates. Thank you for your continued trust and support.

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