Product Updates

Update 3.0.95: Streamlined Order Processing & Enhanced Entity Editing

Release 3.0.95 improves error messages in order copying and displays entity usage statistics, further streamlining operations.



We are excited to present the latest update for our application, version 3.0.95. With a focus on improving current functionalities, this release primarily consists of numerous fixes and some thoughtful enhancements. Here's a detailed breakdown of what's new:

New Features

  • Custom Label Update: The 'Order private label' has been renamed to 'custom label' and will now appear in the header of invoices instead of each individual item.

  • Improved Order Copying Messages: Should an order fail to be copied, you will now receive clearer error messages, detailing what went wrong.

  • Enhanced Entity Editing Information: When editing entities such as places, tags, or badges, new information showing the number of times that particular entity is used within the application has been added. For instance, when editing a place, you'll be able to see how many opened shifts are scheduled there.

  • Default Amount for Proforma Invoice: Within the agency settings, a new on/off switch enables you to set the order price as the default amount for proforma invoices.

Minor Fixes

  • Client Change During Order Copying: It is now possible to alter the client when copying an order.

  • Worker Profile Communication History Sorting: Communication history within a worker profile (including SMS messages and emails) is now properly sorted, displaying only the most recent interactions.

  • Appointment Duration Display Fix: The display of duration in the appointment creation form has been corrected.

  • HTML Tags in Shift Change Emails: HTML tags are now properly displayed in emails notifying about shift changes.

  • Improved Admin Privileges Handling: Buttons for creating a profession and pricelist will no longer crash the application if the admin lacks the necessary privileges. Instead, they simply won't appear.

  • Fix for Group Mix-up: In some cases, groups were getting mixed up when copying a large order. This issue has been resolved.

  • Pricelist Version Control: Pricelists no longer create a new version upon saving if the user didn't make any changes.

  • Update to Default Email Welcome Template: The welcome email template no longer contains a link to the Shameless Facebook page.

  • Updated Error Reporting System and Libraries: Our error reporting system and some third-party software libraries used within the application have been updated.

These changes collectively aim to elevate your experience with our software. Your feedback is invaluable, so please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team if you need assistance or have suggestions for future improvements.

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