Product Updates

Update 3.0.152: Wallet Record Filtering and Bulk Email Renaming

Release 3.0.152 improves wallet record filtering and renames the newsletters page to better reflect functionality.



We are excited to announce the release of version 3.0.152 of our software. This update introduces several new features, refinements, and bug fixes that continue to enhance our platform's capabilities. Below is a detailed overview of what's new in this release:

New Features

  • Wallet Movements Filter Update: Archived wallet records are now hidden by default, and wallet movements no longer contain a filter by status. This change offers a more streamlined view.

  • Renaming of Newsletters Page to "Bulk Emails": To better reflect the functionality, the newsletters page has been renamed to "Bulk Emails," and "Send newsletter" has been renamed to "Send email." The underlying functionality remains the same, so you can continue sending newsletters or any other emails as usual.

  • Appointment CSV Worker Export Enhancement: The appointment CSV worker export now includes the birthdate. This additional information may aid in better data analysis and reporting.

  • Connection to Future Broadcast Module: We have established a connection to the future broadcast module, laying the groundwork for more integrated communication capabilities.

Bug Fixes

  • Bulk Email Page Filter Criteria Bug: A bug that prevented the bulk email page from displaying filter criteria when opened from the worker page has been fixed. Now, criteria for newsletter subscriptions, for instance, will be shown correctly.


  • Company Create Form: The form now correctly saves company attributes, ensuring accurate data management.

  • Decimal Values in Agency Settings: Decimal values are now properly saved in the agency settings, enhancing precision and consistency.

  • Personal Attributes Labels Fixed: Labels for the personal attributes of type choice requirement have been corrected.

  • Admin Invitation Password Issue: The inability to set a password when inviting admins has been addressed and fixed.

  • Empty Shift Name Validation: The issue with validation errors not displaying for an empty shift name has been resolved.

  • Hovercard Pointing to Admin Profile: The hovercard that points to an admin profile from the feedback page in the worker profile has been fixed, along with the visual bug related to a small amount of feedback in the worker profile.

We encourage all users to take advantage of these new features and improvements. Our development team remains committed to delivering the best possible user experience, and we appreciate your continued support. If you have any questions or need assistance with this update, please do not hesitate to reach out to our customer service team.

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