Product Updates

Update 3.0.149: Gender Info in CSV Exports and SMS Activation

Release 3.0.149 enables gender info in CSV exports and introduces SMS activation for users during onboarding.



We are excited to introduce the latest update, version 3.0.149, featuring a host of new features and bug fixes that are aimed at enhancing usability and precision in our system. Here's a detailed breakdown of what this new release brings to the table:

New Features

  • Attendances CSV Exports: CSV exports of attendances now include information about gender, providing an extra layer of detail for your records.

  • SMS Activation for Workers: The onboarding process has been made even more secure with the addition of SMS activation codes. Now workers can be activated via an SMS code during onboarding, adding efficiency to the process.

  • Invoice Address Title: You now have the option to include a title for each invoice address. This title is designed to assist in the identification of the address within the application, although it won't be visible to the client.

  • Precision in Wage Specification: Wages now offer the ability to be specified with greater precision, down to two decimal places instead of just one. This update ensures more accurate calculations and reporting.

Bug Fixes

  • Time Slot Saving Issues: We've fixed issues related to saving multiple slots with breaks that have equal beginning or end times, but differ in other timings.

  • Application Crash Fixes: Issues causing the application to crash when saving multiple slots with partially different break times have been resolved.

  • Timeline Audit Record Issues: Strange timeline audit records that appeared after a slot with attendance was removed have been fixed.

  • Client Notification Settings Fix: Problems with saving client notification settings have been rectified, ensuring smooth customization of client communications.

  • Deletion Errors with Multiple Teams: We've addressed occasional errors that occurred when deleting orders containing multiple teams with attendance selections. These errors previously caused the builder to freeze.

  • Worker Payout Calculator Freeze: The bug that caused the worker payout calculator to freeze when the amount was left empty has been fixed.

  • Removal of Non-functional File Attachments: A non-functional feature that allowed the removal of files in the multiple file attachment section of the contract has been removed, streamlining the attachment process.

We remain committed to providing a robust and reliable system for all our users. Please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team if you have any questions or need further assistance with this update.

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