Product Updates

Update 3.0.132: Enhanced Company Search and Customization Options

Release 3.0.132 simplifies company search by tax number and offers more customization options, making navigation more user-friendly.



We are pleased to announce the release of software version 3.0.132. As we are currently focused on a few larger elements in development, this update primarily brings important fixes and enhancements to existing functionality. Here's a detailed overview of what's new:

New Features

  • Search Companies by Tax Number: We have added the ability to search for companies using their tax number, thereby improving efficiency in finding specific business information.

  • Customization of the Main Page: If you are interested in the option to remove the "Running on Sinch" logo from the main page, please contact our sales department for more information. This addition provides a level of personalization and brand alignment for your interface.

Bug Fixes

  • Correction in Blocking Notification: The email that informs a worker about a block now correctly displays the reason for the blocking again. This enhancement ensures proper communication and understanding of the blockage.

  • Flexibility in Invoice Payment or Wallet Record: You can now fill in any number when adding an invoice payment or wallet record. Prior to this update, you were limited to only integer steps of the original amount. This fix provides more flexibility in handling financial records.

  • Naming in the Payouts Table: We have fixed the naming of columns in the payouts table, ensuring clarity and consistency across the platform.

We understand that these updates may appear modest in comparison to our future developments; however, we believe they play a vital role in enhancing the usability and performance of our existing features. For any further assistance or inquiries regarding this release, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team.

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