Product Updates

Update 3.2.33: Customizable Document Titles & Enhanced Staff Management Tools

Release 3.2.33 introduces new ways to customize your workflows, from document title templates to advanced staff management, along with various enhancements to streamline your experience.



Release date: August 28, 2024

New Features

  • Customizable Order and Job Document Titles: Personalize your order and job document titles, such as calculations, using the new "Order documents title template" option in agency settings. A list of placeholders is available to create customized titles that suit your business needs.

  • Staff Member Swap Feature in Attendance Builder: Easily swap one staff member for another across multiple positions in the attendance builder. Just search for a staff member's name, select them, and use the new Swap function to seamlessly switch positions without hassle.

  • Transport Wage in Shift Closure Emails: Staff members will now receive their transport wage details in the final Shift closure email, enhancing transparency in payment details.

  • Direct Links to Shifts from Wallet Transport Records: On the Wallet page, transport records now link directly to the associated Shift, offering easy access to important details similar to regular wage records.

  • Advanced Wallet Filtering & Exporting: The Wallet list now supports selecting multiple types for easier filtering and exporting, giving you greater control over your financial data.

  • Wallet Export Includes Payment Data: When exporting from the Wallet, payment information such as payout statuses and request dates is now included, giving a fuller picture of financial transactions.

  • Improved Payment Method Sorting: Payment methods are now listed in a more intuitive order, with active methods appearing first, followed by inactive methods, while "No method" and Reimbursements are at the bottom of the list.

  • Standby Staff Exclusion in Job Forms: Standby numbers are now excluded from the total staff count in new job forms, offering a clearer representation of staffing levels across your shifts.


Bug Fixes

  • Improved Shift Sorting in Scheduler: Issues with sorting shifts and jobs starting at the same time have been fixed, ensuring smoother scheduling operations.

  • Position Sorting in Attendance Builder: The issue with sorting positions when selecting more than 10 shifts has been resolved, ensuring proper organization of positions.

  • Accurate Balances in Staff Page: Unconfirmed wallet records are now excluded from the Statistics -> Staff page balances, ensuring more accurate reporting.

  • Location Data Correctly Stored in Builder: Fixed issues with new locations not storing region information correctly during the setup process.

  • Enhanced Scheduler Performance: The Scheduler now displays avatars correctly, and order/job names wrap across multiple lines without being truncated.

  • Applicant Invite Dismissal Bug Fixed: A bug that prevented applicant invites from being dismissed on mobile devices has been resolved.

These updates are designed to enhance both functionality and user experience across the platform. As always, we're here to assist you with any questions or feedback.

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