Product Updates

Update 3.2.32: Fully Customizable Reimbursement Exports & Enhanced Company Management

Release 3.2.32 introduces customizable reimbursement exports, new default company settings, and enhanced CSV export details.



Release date: August 21, 2024

New Features & Improvements

  • Customizable Reimbursement CSV Export: Now, the Reimbursement CSV export is as flexible as other CSV exports. You can customize it to suit your needs and save your export templates for future use, ensuring consistency and efficiency.

  • Default Company Settings: We've added two new default settings for Companies—Reverse charge and Order specification. These settings simplify your workflow by reducing the need for manual adjustments when managing company details.

  • Latest Order Start in Company Index & Detail: You can now see the latest order start date directly in the Companies index and on each Company detail page.

  • Attendance Detail CSV Export: The Attendance detail CSV export now includes the Payout method, offering a more comprehensive view of attendance data and payroll processing.

  • Builder Select button: The button for selecting all found matches in the Builder tree has been visually update in order to be a bit more prominent and easy to find & use.


Bug Fixes

  • Wage Detail Info Characters: We’ve corrected an issue where incorrect characters were being stripped from the Wage detail information in the Closing form.

  • Shift Attachments Range Filtering: The range filtering in Shift attachments now correctly includes the end day, ensuring accurate filtering results.

  • Staff Members Hovercard Clickability: Issues preventing buttons in the Staff members hovercard from being clickable on the Job detail page have been fixed.

  • Spanish Translation Corrections: Several issues in the Spanish translations of the Staff portal have been resolved.

  • Closing Form Performance: We've optimized the performance of the Closing form process, making it faster and more efficient.

With these updates, we continue to enhance the OnSinch platform, making it more intuitive and powerful. We’re committed to delivering solutions that meet your evolving needs. If you have any questions or need assistance, our support team is here to help.

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