Product Updates

Update 3.2.21: Enhanced Transport Graphs and E-Signature Notifications

Release 3.2.21 enhances transport visualization, introduces e-signature email notifications, and adds Australian bank account support.



Release date: June 5, 2024

New Features

  • Transport Visualization in Closing Form: The new closing form now supports depicting transports in the graph, providing a clearer and more intuitive overview of transport logistics. With this change, the colors for meetings were changed to be a half-transparent version of their main part - this means that the originally blue meeting time for shifts is now transparent green.

  • E-Signature Confirmation Emails: Staff members who sign contracts via e-signature will now receive a confirmation email. This email not only confirms the successful signature but also includes a copy of the signed PDF document for their records.

  • Australian Bank Account Support: We have added support for Australian bank accounts format.

Bug Fixes

  • Email Validation in Send Document Dialogs: Validation for emails has been added to the new Send document dialogs to ensure accurate email addresses are used.

  • Profile Warning Display: Resolved issues where profile warnings about incomplete profiles would not disappear without a sign-off and sign-in.

  • Pagination in Communication Tab: Fixed pagination issues in the Communication tab within the Staff portal to ensure smoother navigation through records.

  • Attendance Confirmation: Addressed a bug where adding people to attendance confirmation was blocked if someone was already confirmed.

  • E-Signature on Apple Devices: Fixed problems related to creating contracts with e-signature on Apple devices.

  • Default Company Invoice Address: Corrected the issue where the default company invoice address was not being used in certain forms.

  • Tags in Public API Orders Endpoint: Resolved the problem where tags were not being fetched from the public API Orders endpoint.

  • Deactivated Client Loading: Fixed the issue where deactivated clients were still being loaded as default for the company in the Job form.

  • Onsite Presence for Lead Workers: Addressed the issue where onsite presence was unavailable for lead workers when staff clock-in was enabled only for shifts without lead workers.

With these enhancements, we continue to strive for excellence in providing robust and user-friendly solutions. Your feedback is invaluable to us, and we welcome any questions or suggestions regarding this release. For assistance, please reach out to our support team.

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