Product Updates

Update 3.2.17: Enhanced Communication History

We are excited to introduce key updates in release 3.2.17 aimed at improving communication and administrative efficiency for our users.



Release date: May 9, 2024

New Features

Order Communication

With the new possibility to send other documents than just invoices directly from OnSinch, we are also introducing a new Order communication history functionality.

Specifically, this release introduces a new widget called "Communication history" in the Order detail page and in the Invoice page (there it replaces the former log of sent invoices available in the right part of the window).

This widget contains 5 latest messages and the link to the full list of the entire communication history for given order (or invoice).

The new Order communication page contains complete list of all messages sent via OnSinch with all the details: who sent to messages, when it was sent, who was the recipient, the message subject and also a link to all the attachments and the full message body.

Every sent document is also mentioned in the History & Comments timeline.

The goal of this feature is to prevent having to download the PDF files to the admin's hard drive and then sending them manually from the admin's (personal) inbox - instead everything can be easily done from the OnSinch while also giving everyone the full history overview.

This feature consists of many steps that are gradually appearing in the individual releases of OnSinch: the next steps is to increase the range of documents that can be sent (namely Timesheets, Attendance overview and Accreditation), adding a new Reply-to email that these emails are being sent from (there will be a new one in the Agency settings dedicated for communication with clients) and we are also exploring the possibilities of Subject and the email body customization.

Let us know how this feature works for you and what would be the top priority next steps for you! 


New features

  • Internal order name and Company name are now included in the Wallet CSV export.
  • The Position sizes by day widget on Dashboard has been updated to allow users to set date ranges to 60 and 90 days.

Bug Fixes

  • Improved behavior for transport there & back times when changing beginning and/or end of the shift in Builder. Both transport there and back times are now moved by the same offset as the beginning or end of the shift - for example, if admin changes the beginning to be one hour earlier, the transport there is also automatically moved to be one hour earlier. The same behavior applies for travel back. Also the orange warning message informing admin that the transport is possibly set incorrectly (e.g. transport back does not directly follows end of the shift) is now improved, resolving issues with some false-positives.
  • Issues with e-signature rendering too large in the PDF resolved. Also the Sign button is now better optimized for mobile screens.
  • Issues with deleting a client account with some orders associated resulting in a missing user that still secretly exists in the system resolved.
  • Errors during assigning staff to shift from the Job detail page occurred and were resolved.
Stay tuned for further updates and remember, our support team is here to assist you with any questions or concerns regarding this release. 


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